Sealing up the cracks

I stood, hunched over my bathroom vanity, as I glanced down at her text knowing full well that I was being misunderstood….again.

You see, I was in a painful season of growth and God was allowing me to stand alone, separate from the things and people that I had always used to control my anxiety and quiet my fears of rejection. People pleasing, over-explaining and over-giving in relationships just wasn’t going to work for me any more and I was sitting in the messy middle of that.

But on this day, shoulders slouched and feeling rather small, I stood over my bathroom vanity just a little bit straighter. Because this was the day that I knew that my battles weren’t mine to fight alone and God was standing with me.

And so on this day, standing before the mirror and God, I made a promise;

And I would entrust God to fight this battle for me…

And although I wanted to set things straight, I knew the relationship and the hearts and the truths ranked higher and my job was to, sit quietly and allow God to work.

And he did just that…

Over time he has made many things come to life.

He has cleared up some wrongdoings and he has stood firm on my behalf.

And while I may never uncover the things that could have been shared in whispers or moments of gossip, it doesn’t really matter. You see, by choosing not to speak, I allowed God to speak for me. And by not clarifying things, I allowed the actions and words of myself and others to stand alone. By stepping back and allowing God to work on my behalf, He did just that, as only our faithful and tireless God can, each day and in every circumstance.

And just like mortar between tile, God fills in our cracks when we gave Him the space to work and move in our heart’s and lives.

So while he may give us difficulties and heartaches and hurts in this life, he always acts on our behalf and even when we are unknowing and unseeing to how he is moving

And so friend, what a relief it is to know that our battles are fought for us, as God orchestrates the details of our lives and we exchange worry for surrender!

Will you make that promise for yourself as we start out this week?

And can you find that sacred place where you hear God’s quiet whispers to remain silent and…let him fight that battle for you?

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